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Fairhaven UMC


Thursday, September 12, 2024


Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ! We pray you and your family had a wonderful summer. As fall activities get underway, may we be blessed by God’s presence for a safe and fun year ahead. We hope you enjoy your weekly e-newsletter and pray you will read the many announcements about the ministries and activities of Fairhaven UMC and the Baltimore-Washington Conference.


Sunday Worship

Join us in person or online for worship at 10:30 a.m. as we continue our worship series, “Do Unto Others.” The theme this week is compassion, as Pastor Ken offers the message, A Compassion Revolution, inspired by Isaiah 11:6-9. The sanctuary choir will sing, “Witness,” by Roger Emerson.


This week’s Acolyte: Sharon Babaloa

This week’s Lay Reader: Ellen Voorhees

This week's ushers:   

Coffee Hour hosts:  


Save the Dates For Future Events!

September 14: BBQ Cookout at the MCCH Men’s Shelter

September 21 & 22: Homecoming weekend

September 24: Church Conference reports due

September 24: Continuing Conversations

September 28: United Women in Faith virtual meeting

October 6:  12-30. Sacred Gardens Planting Day. 


Happening This Week

No printed bulletin this week:  As a trial to see how well we can worship without a paper bulletin, there will not be a printed bulletin this week.  A copy of the entire service is attached.  Feel free to print it at home and bring with you, or just follow along on our beautiful new screen.


BBQ Cookout Information: Thanks to all those who have volunteered to help this Saturday at the MCCH Homeless Shelter. We will be meeting at the shelter at 10:30 am on Saturday (September 14). The address for the shelter is 11600 Nebel Street in Rockville. This site is near the old White Flint mall. Feel free to reach out to Shelton Mooney (301-525-5700 or ) if you have any questions.


Additional New and Important Updates

Homecoming Weekend is Next Week!! Please forward the attached flyer to your friends and family and encourage them to join us for a fun and inspirational weekend!!  Saturday’s Coffee House (9.21 at 7 pm).  It’s not too late to sign-up as a participant! A fun time is planned. Please see Carter or Kelley Rogers for more information. On Sunday (9.22 at10:30 am) we will welcome retired Bishop Marcus Matthews as our special guest preacher. So “Let the Spirit Lead you Home” to worship and fellowship with all our Fairhaven family and friends.


United Women in Faith: all women are invited to the next gathering of United Women in Faith on Saturday, Sept. 28 at 10:00 on-line only.  We will discuss our plans for the end of this year and MLK day in January.  Look for the link in next week’s E-messenger.


Continuing Conversations: Hello Friends, please save Tuesday evening, September 24th, to resume our Continuing Conversations series discussing issues related to racial justice and harmony. If you have a topic, theme, or issue you'd like us to discuss, please let me know ( or text me at 785-554-4074). Zoom link will be in next week’s e-messenger.


Join the Green Team on October 6 at12:30 pm in planting native plants in the courtyard.


Fall Worship Series: Do Unto Others (Marcia McFee and Worship Design Studio) Our world seems to be consumed with division–often typified in the colors red and blue. Rather than stay in our monochromatic silos, the Golden Rule in scripture challenges us to engage in conversation and seek to create whatever common good we can with our relatives, friends, and neighbors who we might consider to be on the “other side” politically and ideologically. As we attempt to come together, the idea is not that we are obliterating either one or trying to change each other, but rather we discover the beauty that can be created when we work together to make the world a better place. This series will help us consider how we might cultivate kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love for one another and for the good of all the world.

September 15:  A Compassion Revolution (Isaiah 11:6-9)

September 29: A Humility Revolution (Ephesians 4:1-6)

October 6: A Respect Revolution (1 Corinthians 12:1-26)

October 13: A Love Revolution (Matthew 22:34-30)

Grief Support Group: The grief group will not meet tonight, Sept. 12. It normally meets on group meets on Thursdays at 6:30 pm.  If you are interested in participating in the group, please reach out to him at for more details.  


New folding chairs for the Fellowship Hall: After 20 years of constant use, the welding on our folding chairs is coming apart.  The sharp edges make them unsafe to continue to use.  So we are offering sponsorships for chairs to the friends and families of Fairhaven so we can replace the ones we have lost.  Sponsor one chair for $25 or five chairs for $100.  Please use the attached form (copies are also on the bulletin board in F.H) to designate who you would like to honor or to offer a memorial chair.


Our Annual Church Conference is scheduled for Nov. 9, 10:00 am.  All reports from church leaders are due by September 24.


The Upper Room Devotionals for September and October are available. Take 2 and share one.


News from Washington Region and 

Baltimore-Washington Conference   

‘Lord in your mercy:' United Methodists are in prayer for an end to gun violence in light of recent school shootings in Joppatown, northeast of Baltimore, where a high school student died, and in Georgia, where two students and two teachers were shot and killed. Since the Columbine shooting in 1999, there have been 417 school shootings in the United States, affecting 383,000 students. Learn more about how your congregation can work for gun violence prevention.


For all the news from the BWC go to


Weekly Schedule 

Office Hours This Week: 

Pastor Ken: Wednesday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Rita Green: TBD 


Sunday Worship: Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. ZOOM Link   

Meeting ID: 156 030 351         Passcode: 324036        Dial-In: 301 715 8592   

We ask that you remain muted during the Sunday service once worship has started. The service is edited and posted to our YouTube channel within a couple of hours after the service concludes. 


Pastor’s Bible Study: We will not meet next week.  We will resume in hybrid format, Tuesday, September 24 at 10 a.m. with Chapter 6 of “Words of Life: Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today.”

ZOOM LINK   Meeting ID: 775 496 640    Passcode: 656327     Dial-In: 301 715 8592  


Weekly Prayer Service: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Need a mid-week spiritual lift? All are welcome to join us online at 7:00 p.m. for our weekly Thursday evening prayer service. ZOOM LINK


Of Continuing Interest... 


Contact Information 

Pastor Ken Hawes:; 240-329-7638 

Deacon Megan Blanchard:  

Rita Green:,  301- 648-8294

Christina Mollard:  

Leah Huggins: 


General Announcements 

IMPORTANT Announcement: Fairhaven needs your financial support, and this is an easy way to deliver it--Please consider using our link or QR code for online payments to Fairhaven:!  This is a safe and easy way to make your donation to our Church and it allows you to make your contribution whenever the spirit moves you!  For more information contact...

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