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The disciple Peter frequently captures our minds and imaginations as we contemplate our own faithfulness and discipleship. Like his, our hearts often wander, faithful in one instance, searching and stumbling the next, yet always centered in the love of God. Our Lenten series will use stories from Peter’s journey with Jesus to examine our own lives with Christ, as we strive to be more faithful disciples.

Palm-Passion Sunday – March 22 at 10:30 a.m.

Songs of Loudest Praise – John 12:12-26

Palm Branches and crosses will be given to all worshipers!


Maundy Thursday  – March 28 at 7 p.m.

Streams of Mercy – John 13:1-20

Holy communion will be celebrated as part of our online Thursday Prayer Time

Please have bread and grape juice at your home worship site to participate fully

Zoom Link 

Meeting ID: 987 2687 0589
Passcode: 489488


Good Friday - March 29 at 7 p.m.

Hybrid service featuring a Modified Stations of the Cross

Stations of Peter

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 815 5734 6236
Passcode: 417850


Easter Sunday – March 31

8:00 a.m. – led by our Sunday School present and past


Fellowship Time and Easter Egg Hunt between services!


10:30 a.m. – And I Hope – Luke 24:1-12

Special Music will be offered by the Sanctuary, Gospel and Handbell choirs

Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services           


Fairhaven United Methodist Church was formed when McDonald Chapel, Hunting Hill, and Pleasant View voted to combine their congregations in 1968.  We are Christians devoted to making disciples for Jesus Christ to transform the world.


(301) 330-5433


12801 Darnestown Road

Gaithersburg, MD 20878



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